Elano’s attended California State University, Northridge, for a magazine Journalism degree. He also minor in Political Science.
Elano hobbies are diverse. But when he’s not swamped, battling school he reads, watches sports, follows politics, listens to music and gets his feet wet in freelance journalism.
Monday, 24 July 2017 07:00
#TBM Artist Interview: WAV Artist Taras Tulek 1946 - 2014

At about 22-years-old, Taras Tulek pursued art for only two reasons.
“I wanted to help people. I wanted to challenge myself,” says Tulek, who will turn 64 this month.
Wishing to pursue a job that allowed him to assist others who suffer mentally, Tulek was on-path towards earning a degree in psychiatry. But then, he changed his mind.
“I decided that I could really challenge myself by being an artist,” says Tulek, who believes he could serve the same role of assisting others as an artist.
“I could then give the same comfort to people through art, and really express … the awesomeness of existence to other people.”
(l)Our Lady Of Black Light under White Light
(R)Our Lady Of Black Light under Black Light
(R)Our Lady Of Black Light under Black Light
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Monday, 29 June 2009 02:53
Artist Interview: WAV Artist Pete Ippel
When 31-year-old Pete Ippel creates art, he aims to "express complex ideas in compelling ways." These complex ideas stem from his background in high-jumping and scientific research. Ippel uses the themes he learned in both pastimes when approaching his work.
"What I learned from my coaches and through my experience is that if you want to improve at something, you make a plan and you execute that plan and you learn as you go," says Ippel, who also chooses to learn from his artistic failures, staying persistent by trying to produce the piece again.
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Saturday, 31 July 2010 02:52
Artist Interview: WAV Artist Mark Mollgaard
Mark Mollgaard, speaks with a soft-spoken croon. In his picture, featured in the WAV brochure, he poses with a jokingly frantic facial expression –wide-eyed, face tightened and hair disheveled.
"I am in my most creative mode when I transcend my own knowledge of what I am doing. Therefore, when you ask me, 'What are you making?' Don't be surprised if I answer 'I don't know.' When I answer like that, I am in a realm I have literally never been [in] before, and THAT is where my most creative answers originate," says Mollgaard in a post-interview e-mail after fully gathering his thoughts.
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Sunday, 29 June 2014 00:00
Artist Interview: WAV Resident Stewart Birbrower 1935 - 2014
Originally Published August 2010
Our hearts are sadden by the news of the death of our friend Stewart Birbrower who died this past June 14 at the age of 78. We had the pleasure of interviewing Stewart and meeting his wife Sylvia back in 2010 during the first year the WAV opened. Please enjoy the article about Stewart and the early days on how he started in advertising on wall street. It is really a good story.
Tatiana Wilcox Ha
Editor in Chief
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Artist Interviews
Thursday, 05 August 2010 00:00
Artist Interview- WAV Resident W. Michael Bingham
W. Michael Bingham, 57, discovered his passion for art at around 13-years-old back in his Greenville, Ohio middle school. He was in seventh grade and his art teacher was presenting a lesson on how to draw three-dimensionally.
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Artist Interviews
Monday, 21 August 2017 07:00
#TBM Artist Interview- WAV Resident Anna Karakalou

#Throw Back Mondays (originally posted 8/2/10)
Anna Karakalou is 34. Her short dark violet hair hangs short. She expresses herself with her home that is furnished with dark-shaded furniture and a small, rusted black piano sitting in the living room. On the side, she sings in the band, “We Govern We” and describes their music as “dark and hopeful.”
Anna Karakalou is 34. Her short dark violet hair hangs short. She expresses herself with her home that is furnished with dark-shaded furniture and a small, rusted black piano sitting in the living room. On the side, she sings in the band, “We Govern We” and describes their music as “dark and hopeful.”
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