
Freda EangFreda Eang is an English major student with a Chinese minor going into her fourth year at the University of California, Santa Barbara.  She spent the last year studying abroad in Taiwan, which made her fall in love with other cultures, languages, and traveling.  She loves to spend her time reading for fun, writing, watching television series, and going to the movies.  

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 "There’s more to watching movies than going to a typical theater…”


Monday, 17 September 2012 00:00

Homemade Ice Cream in Ojai

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On a hot summer day, it’s very common to go to the beach and constantly have the urge to quench your thirst with something refreshing and cool, especially in the small town of Ojai. Known as an outdoor walking town to many, the inland location of Ojai can reach temperatures averaging between 85-90 degrees on a typical summer day. To beat the heat, one can be entertained nestled in the shades of Libby Park, shopping indoors downtown, catching a movie at the Ojai Playhouse, or even grabbing some ice cream at Ojai Ice Cream.