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(379 words)
#TBM Artist Gregory Radionov
#Throw Back Mondays (originally posted 7/29/10)
Gregory Radionov is a quiet, unassuming, incredible artist. His watercolors are alive with color and texture and energy: each one tells a story you want to know more about. Thank goodness Radionov paints in series so the story becomes complete.
There is the lovely series of portraits of his sons in everyday life. These are painted with so much love and humor that you want to reach out and touch their cheeks.

"Time Out"

"Come out & play"
Radionov, who is originally from the Ukraine, loves to go to Venice Beach, “It reminds me of home!” His series of paintings “Venice Beach” reflect that love as he fondly depicts a variety of interesting characters found on the boardwalk.

"Venice Dervish"
The most important thing to know about Gregory Radionov, the artist, is that the man can draw…beautifully!
Radionov is a product of the Soviet system of specialized schooling. He was sent to Art School for grammar, high schools and 6 years of college. His skills are evident if, according to him, rusty. After achieving success after college, he, his wife and his parents immigrated to this country. They came to the Los Angeles area where Gregory and his father became successful cabinet makers in the Valley.

During the struggle to survive and then thrive in this new land, he stopped painting. Slowly, over the last 3 or 4 years, Radionov has rediscovered his love of making art. Instead of oil paints he now uses watercolor, less mess and smell for a family man making art in the midst of raising that family. (He has just finished a makeover of his garage studio!) He admires Andrew Wyeth, not only for his technique, but for his courage of subject matter.

"Hula Girl"
Radionov feels he has only just begun, that he has perhaps a few more years before he really understands the medium. He says he is “painting things that won’t interest anyone” to keep himself out of the rat race of ‘art’. I love his work, even more in person than in photos, and think he has much to tell the world through his art. You see one and want to see more of life from his perspective.
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