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A Mini Halloween Cocktail Guide

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We found a few  cocktails that will make your Halloween celebration a howling success!
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Cocktail: Mad Eye Martini Recipe
Mixologist: Colleen Graham
Recipe found @: www.thespruce.com
 Mad Eye Martini 56a1731d5f9b58b7d0bf624f
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-1/2 ounce Hpnotiq liqueur
-1 ounce ​premium vodka
-2 ounce ​lychee juice
-lychee (search for canned lychees in syrup)
-1/4 teaspoon cherry, strawberry or ​raspberry preserves
-1 ​blueberry
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-Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
-Shake well.
-Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. 
  Directions for Lychee Eyeball Garnish:
-Drain and dry lychee, then fill with preserves.
-Place blueberry, blossom end facing out, into the cavity.
-Skewer with cocktail pick and lay across rim of glass (check your local party store for Halloween theme picks or picks that look like a miniature ice pick for the full effect).
Here is a detailed step-by-step tutorial: DIY Lychee Eyeball Garnish.
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Cocktail: Bloody Brain Shooter
Mixologist: Dan Goss
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-1 1/4 oz. strawberry vodka
-1/8 oz. Rose's lime juice
-3/4 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
-Splash of grenadine
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Chill vodka for better smoothness. Add vodka and lime juice to a shaker, shake and strain into a shot glass. Using a straw, dip some Bailey's Irish Cream into the shot. Once you submerge the straw into the Bailey's put your finger on top of the straw to hold the Bailey's in the straw. Dip the straw tip into the vodka and slowly release your top finger. The Bailey's will curdle a little bit due to the lime juice and you should be able to make strands of Bailey's.
Repeat the straw/Bailey's process to build a "brain" in the shot glass. Add a splash of grenadine to the concoction to add the 'blood' to the mix. Down the hatch as a shot.
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Cocktail: The Witch's Heart
Mixologist: Dini 
Recipe found @: www.theflavorbender.com

 Witchs Heart Cocktail

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-1 jigger apple brandy or apple vodka chilled
-1 tsp grenadine
-2 jiggers (or to top up) Homemade Blackberry Shimmery Liqueur (see notes) chilled
-Powdered dry ice optional
-Martini glass to serve
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-Add about 1/2 - 1 tsp of powdered dry ice to the bottom of the glass (optional).
-Place the apple brandy and purple shimmery liqueur in a shaker. Add 1 ice cube and shake for a few seconds to chill the drink. -Strain the drink into a martini glass. Top up with more purple shimmery liqueur if necessary.
-Pour 1 tsp of grenadine syrup, about an inch from the surface of the drink - the grenadine should sink to the bottom, creating a "bleeding" effect.
-Add about 1/2 tsp of powdered dry ice on top and serve with a stirrer, so that your guests can stir the "potion" to create that shimmery, smoky effect. For recipes notes click here and stroll towards the bottom. 
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Cocktail:  Alien Eyeball Martini Cocktail
Mixologist: Mystery Chef
Recipe found @: www.cook123.com
a77a6b60ea5f908b3cba88cd8c6b5b2b halloween cocktails halloween party ideas
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-1 radish
-1 pimento stuffed olive
-1 ounce vodka (or gin)
-1-2 drops of red food coloring (yellow or green if desired)
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Take the radish and cut off its green leaves.
With a vegetable peeler or small knife, peel a thin sliver of the red skin off. Repeat this around the radish, pulling from the base to the tail end. The radish should look a little like zebra stripes now.
With a small knife, scoop out a small code where the green leaves used to be. This creates a snug opening for the olive.
Take the pimento stuffed olive, and place it into the radish hole. Cut off the part of the olive that is sticking out. Make sure that it is secure, if not, enlarge the hole. If the hole is too large, try fitting in a bigger olive.
Place the “eyeball” in a martin glass, and pour in an ounce of your favorite liquor such as vodka or gin. For added effect, add a drop of food coloring to your vodka, such as red. This will make a bloody eyeball martini. Enjoy responsibly.
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Cocktail: Witch's Brew
Mixologist: Chrisy
Recipe found @: www.homemadehooplah.com
Witchs Brew 1
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-6 oz lime jello
-1 1/2 cup pineapple juice chilled
-1 cup vodka chilled
-16 oz lemon-lime soda chilled
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Fully prepare lime jello per package instructions. Use a fork to break jello apart into small pieces (small enough to fit through a straw) then add crushed jello to a large pitcher of your choice (should be at least 1 liter or larger).
Add pineapple juice and vodka to pitcher, then stir.
When ready to serve, add Sprite until the pitcher is full. For best results, pour lemon-lime soda from a higher distance than you normally would so that there's extra fizz on top of the drink. Serve immediately.
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Cocktail: Shrunken Heads in Spiced Cider
Mixologist: Heather Schmitt-Gonzalez
 Shrunken Heads in Spiced Cider 3
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For the shrunken heads-
1 cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon kosher salt
8 Granny Smith apples
For the spiced cider-
1 gallon apple cider
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
8 whole allspice berries
6 cardamom pods
1 orange, quartered
freshly grated nutmeg
pinch of fine sea salt
To finish-
whole cloves (2 per shrunken head)
spiced rum, optional
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Make the shrunken heads:
Preheat oven to 250° F. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Combine lemon juice and salt in a bowl. Set out a fat wad of paper towels.
Peel apples and cut each in half through the stem; use a melon baller to remove the seeds and the core. Using a sharp paring knife and different sized melon ballers, carve faces into the rounded sides of the apples. Dip each face in the lemon/salt mixture and set it on the paper towels while you carve the next face. Transfer the face on the paper towels to the lined baking tray and repeat with remaining apple faces until all of your apple faces are finished.
Slide tray into oven for about 2 hours - what you're doing here is drying them out, or shrinking them. You will have a few browned edges.
Making the spiced cider:
While the apples are in the oven, combine all of the cider ingredients in a pot over medium heat (use freshly grated nutmeg to taste). Bring to a boil, then immediately reduce to the lowest heat. Allow to simmer very gently for 30 minutes. Strain.
Hold the cider over very low heat to keep warm until apples are finished.
Putting it all together:
When you're ready to serve, stick one whole clove in each eye socket of each apple. Transfer the spiced cider to a punch bowl (or use a large pot) and float the shrunken heads in the cider.
Ladle the cider into serving cups, being sure to include a shrunken head in each serving.


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