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Holiday Travel Made Easy: Is Your Tech Ready?

As families prepare for the holiday season, they also prepare to make big family trips, so make sure not to leave home without the proper tech reinforcements this year!
These tips will ensure you can savor the sweet moments and avoid potential hiccups!
Drive smarter. Hitting the road? Apps like Waze, a community-based traffic and navigation guide, offer immediate information and alternate routes that save time when everyone is heading out of town. Other apps, like GasBuddy, compare pricing for nearby gas stations so you can fuel up economically, making the drive convenient and worry-free.
Beat boredom en route. Even in the air, there are ways to keep the family entertained. Inflight internet services, like Gogo, allow for texting and surfing the web, so kids can keep up with their Candy Crush game and mom and dad can hop online to research travel activities. And if you are a T-Mobile customer, you get a free hour of Wi-Fi on every domestic flight! Take connectivity to the next level by plugging into a portable charger to ensure all your devices are fully charged for the duration of your flight and after you land.
Find your travel Zen. Ever been on a long train ride with an unhappy baby or snoring fellow rider? Drown out unwelcome disruptions by turning up the volume, and streaming unlimited music from services like Spotify, Apple Music and Pandora with Music Freedom from T-Mobile.
Pro tip: Noise-cancelling headphones help too! Seek out a comfortable pair designed to fit the unique contour of your ears – they are ideal for lengthy trips.
Make the most of travel downtime. Dealing with a delay or adjusting to a different time zone? Use the unplanned time to catch up on your favorite shows. You can stream services like Netflix, Hulu and YouTube on your phone with T-Mobile’s Binge On and not only will you get through the series cliffhanger, none of your streaming will count against your high-speed data! Happy holidays indeed!
Stay connected even when abroad. Google’s 2016 travel trends show that 85 percent of leisure travelers decide on activities to do from their mobile phone after they’ve arrived at their travel destination. You can avoid roaming charges while you wander out of the country with services like Simple Global from T-Mobile. It provides unlimited data and texting in more than 140 countries around the globe.
For the 50 percent of Americans who regularly travel to Mexico or Canada, a travel offering that spans an entire continent, like Mobile Without Borders, will be welcome news. It ensures you can text and post photos of guacamole and poutine all day with no (data) consequences.
Be the all-star family photographer. Essential for capturing photos throughout the holidays, selfie sticks are this year’s unexpected travel necessity. Various types– compact, waterproof and Bluetooth enabled are available at a range of prices. Whether you are headed on a morning hike or prepping the holiday feast, you’ll capture memories the family will love for years to come.
PHOTO SOURCE: (c) Monkey Business - Fotolia.com
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