
6 minutes reading time (1150 words)

Dancing with Our Community Star Competitor Lissa Coffey

Lissa CoffeyLissa Coffey is a lifestyle & relationship often sought-after guest expert who has appears frequently on television on such shows as The Today Show, Good Morning America, and Fox News Network and contributes to many national publications with her insightful and compassionate approach to modern-day issues.

Lissa Coffey is a life coach who taps into her vast knowledge of Ayurveda, Feng Shui, Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy and other ancient philosophies to come up with positive solutions for contemporary challenges.

She is a lifestyle & relationship often sought-after guest expert who has appears frequently on television on such shows as The Today Show, Good Morning America, and Fox News Network and contributes to many national publications with her insightful and compassionate approach to modern-day issues. She is also a bestselling author who has written seven books with her newest one, ‘The Perfect Balance Diet: 4 Weeks to a Lighter Body, Mind, Spirit & Space’.

Lissa has several newsletters, CoffeyTalk Weekly comes out every Wednesday, Wisdom News which goes out Monday through Friday, Dosha News comes out every Tuesday and Dharma Times which comes out ONLY for special news, all are enjoyed around the world by a steadily growing subscriber base. She also serves up an inspiring blend of ancient wisdom and modern style on her website, www.CoffeyTalk.com.

Another hat Lissa wears is as the president of Bamboo Entertainment, Inc., which produces products in nearly every form of media.

She is a Big Sister, and serves on the Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters Ventura County which is who she is dancing for.

S805-How did you find out about Dancing with Our Community Stars Contest & Fundraiser? Do you have any dance experience?
Lissa-Two years ago Pedro Chavez danced for Big Brothers Big Sisters Ventura County, my favorite charity, and I thought it sounded like such a fun experience. Right then I said I wanted to do it next time, so I’ve been waiting!  I don’t have any formal dance experience. I’ve done a little musical theatre, and I dance around my kitchen quite a bit when no one is looking. Salsa is all new to me!
S805-What was your first impression meeting your dance partner Lovie Hernandez? Were you nervous?
Lissa- I was more excited than nervous. This is a big deal!  Right away I was impressed by Lovie’s big smile – I love his enthusiasm!  We are a good match – he just jumped in right away and made me feel so comfortable, like we’ve been friends for years. We have the same goal in this competition – to win!
LissaCoffeyHighResolutionS805-You must feel pretty fortunate to have Lovie as your dance partner with his 17 years of dancing and teaching experience under his belt. Does that add extra pressure to you knowing that or does that give you more confidence?
Lissa- I am so lucky that Lovie is my dance partner! Honestly, I have never met anyone more patient or kind. We are having a lot of fun together. I mess up all the time, I have no idea what I’m doing, but Lovie never makes me feel bad.  We laugh a lot when we are practicing! In dancing you have to have a lot of trust, and I trust Lovie completely. I haven’t hit the floor yet! I guess being matched with Lovie makes me want to win this even more, because now I want to win it for him, too.  He’s a great teacher, and I want him to be proud of me!
S805-How long have you been serving on the Board of Big Brother Big Sister? Can you tell us about some of the fundraising events that BBBS have?
Lissa- I’ve served as a Board Member for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County for about five years now. I’ve also been a Big Sister to three girls! It’s an amazing organization that provides one-on-one mentors for kids in need. We have four major fundraisers a year: A Golf Tournament, Bowl for Kids Sake, Bags and Bling, and now The Big Jamboree. We welcome everyone’s participation! And we have ongoing little fundraisers all year long.  I designed a bracelet for Big Brothers Big Sisters that we are selling to raise money for our Vote4Lissa.com campaign! It’s really cute - it says “Dream Big” on one side and “Start Something” on the other side, and it’s strung with a purple cord, our corporate color.
S805-Okay I would like to switch gears now and talk about Lissa Coffey, the Lifestyle & Relationship Expert. Tell me about your website Coffeytalk.com?
Lissa- CoffeyTalk.com is my home base website. I have several websites! Basically my take on things is “Ancient Wisdom, Modern Style.” I write and teach a lot about Ayurveda, the Science of Life from India. I’ve got books, e-courses, apps, audios, videos, e-mail newsletters, and even a membership club. I also design jewelry and fashion items that we sell in our online store, DharmaSmart.com – Purposeful Living Essentials. It’s all about providing the tools for people to use to help live their healthiest and happiest lives. 
S805-Could you tell me about your seventh and newest book "The Perfect Balance Diet: 4 Weeks to a Lighter Body, Mind, Spirit & Space"?
Lissa-I think we all feel weighed down in life at some point, by stress, by clutter, by our bodies, by all of the responsibilities we’ve taken on.  The Perfect Balance Diet is about achieving balance all four of these areas of life: body, mind, spirit and space, because all of them are connected, each affects the other. This is a very holistic plan that is easy and fun to follow. It’s basically living an ayurvedic lifestyle. There’s the book, and there’s also an online component in the website, we have our social community on our Facebook page, and we also have an app for the iPhone.  Members of the club get recipes sent to them each week, along with exclusive meditations and videos.
S805-What's next in store for Lissa Coffey? Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about you or your work?
Lissa-I recently partnered with a company in India to create an amazing e-course all about Ayurveda. You can find it at AyurvedaExperience.com.  So now you can learn Ayurveda at home, on your own, and apply it right away to your daily life. I always have a lot going on, but for this summer, my focus is Salsa! Lovie and I will be turning up at special events to help get votes, and raise money, for our campaign, which benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters. We’re giving away some amazing gifts for votes online, including membership in my Perfect Balance Club.   

We look forward to cheering Lissa and the other contestants on Sunday July 27th at the Oxnard Salsa Festival.


*Photo Credit: Roy Dunn (top image only)



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