
3 minutes reading time (623 words)

Eggs; My Go-To Protein!

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Eggs have been the scapegoat and poster child for healthy living. Finally, they have been vindicated for their high levels of dietary cholesterol. In 2015, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommended to lift the limits on eggs as a part of a healthy diet. I'm thrilled with this because I LOVE EGGS to provide protein, and leave me feeling full throughout my morning. 
One whole egg contains 6 grams of protein, vitamin D and important minerals such as iron, zinc, chorine and lute in (for eye health). 
Egg spiral egg cupEggs have been the scapegoat and poster child for healthy living. Finally, they have been vindicated for their high levels of dietary cholesterol. In 2015, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommended to lift the limits on eggs as a part of a healthy diet. I'm thrilled with this because I LOVE EGGS to provide protein, and leave me feeling full throughout my morning. 
One whole egg contains 6 grams of protein, vitamin D and important minerals such as iron, zinc, chorine and lute in (for eye health). 
The 'grade' of an egg refers to quality. Grade AA. Eggs are considered the highest quality with unbroken shells, firm whites and round, clean yolks. Cage free or free range eggs means that the birds were housed in barns and can walk about freely. Free range means they have outdoors are available for them to walk in. If an egg is labeled 'organic' it means they came from hens that are free-range and fed an organic diet free of synthetic pesticides. Pasteurized eggs mean they have been heated to right below the temperature where they would coagulate thereby killing the Salmonella bacteria. These eggs can safely be eaten raw, or used in recipes that call for raw eggs. Omega-3 eggs contain about 30 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids which are known to help control cholesterol issues. They include this by being fed a diet containing canola oil or flaxseed. Farm fresh or all natural are marketing-catch-phrases and really have no bearing on the nutritional value of an egg.
Why include the 'Incredible-Edible-Egg in your food plan? As quotes in OxygenMag,com, "The University of Connecticut researchers found that subjects who are eggs during their first meal took an average of 400 fewer calories over a 24 hour period than those who ate a carb-heavy bagel-based breakfast." 
As part of my Sunday prep for the week, I boil 8 eggs, then let them cool. I she'll them and pack them in twos in snack bags, then put those bags in a quart bag and leave them in the fridge. Every day, mid morning I enjoy two hard boiled eggs which keeps me satisfied till lunch. During that same pre-week prep time I take 6 microwave-safe bowls with lids. I spray with non stick spray and add red pepper flakes and Mrs. Dash spices. I add broccoli slaw, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, kale and possibly asparagus to the bowl. Then I include 3/4 cup egg whites to the bowls. I close and put on the shelf. Then every morning except Sunday's, I pop the top, and cook in the microwave for two minutes (depending on strength of microwave). I then stir and cook for two minutes longer (usually while cooking my kids breakfast). Then I have a protein and vegetable-rich breakfast in a flash and I'm not tempted by drive thru or vending machines. You can add a piece of Ezekiel or whole wheat toast if you desire.
Breakfast is a critical component to energize your morning, keeping your focus on your tasks and not on hunger pains in your stomach. Protein also helps muscle repair. Maybe it's perfect to be your go-to protein!

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Comments 1

Guest - Tatiana on Monday, 26 October 2015 01:53

I am not a huge breakfast person so this is something that I am looking forward to try, especially since my husband and I are starting a new eating regimen plan this week.

I am not a huge breakfast person so this is something that I am looking forward to try, especially since my husband and I are starting a new eating regimen plan this week.
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