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Artist Opening: Susan Seaberry

Sudan Seaberry
Susan Seaberry

July 12 to September 9, 2018 

Fox Fine JewelryVentura, CA
Fox Fine Jewelry presents works by Susan Seaberry from July 12th to September 9th, 2018. An Artist Reception will be held on July 21 from 6 – 8pm

Susan Seaberry, an artist who blends romanticism and classicism, has created art her whole life. She says, “It’s always been about my family and my art. It’s always been my main focus.” She went to the Art Center College of Design and became a forerunner for the Functional Art Movement in the early 1980s to the early 90s. This was a time when art became more accessible to younger investors, so Susan created many different types of art. From working with interior and clothing designers to sculping and pottery, Susan did a little bit of everything, all while raising 3 daughters.

Now, instead of doing mostly commissioned work, Susan paints on canvas and displays in galleries. When creating, Susan likes listening to loud music with energy while painting in the center of her house. It’s important for her to be able to paint a little, leave, and then come back to it. She says that emotional content, such as music, dancers, stories, and narratives influence her art, and tries to put symbolism and ambiguity into each of her pieces.

Susan hosts periodic workshops, and has artwork on display year-round at the Loft Gallery in Puerto Vallarta and the Paul Maher Gallery in Healdsberg, CA. She goes to Mexico once a year – for art and for fun!

Fox Fine Jewelry
560 E. Main Street
(805) 652-1800
Monday – Thursday 10:30 – 7pm
Friday and Saturday 10:30 – 10pm
Sunday 12 – 6pm

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