

Finding a New Beginning

Finding a New Beginning

A stay-at-home mom turned healthcare provider shares inspiration for realizing your dreams later than you expected!

When Corine Riedell was just 21 years old she was already a stay at home mother of 3.   She had completed high school early through independent study and had quickly moved into the adult responsibilities that come along with child rearing, namely putting other’s needs before your own. But putting her children’s upbringing first didn’t mean putting off her own career goals and personal aspirations. Her peers were off at college or enjoying the freedom of being an adult with the lack of responsibilities living at “home” provides. Even though Corine didn’t have either luxury she also didn’t feel she was missing out on anything that couldn’t’ wait. She tucked her dreams away for later and enjoyed her kids while they were young.


Hear What You’ve Been Missing

hearing loss
In a plugged-in culture, we lack education on the prevention
and early intervention of hearing loss.
Hearing loss is serious business. After all, hearing is one of our most important senses – keeping us safe and empowering us to communicate with the world around us. Imagine not being able to hear a car coming from around the corner as you cross the street. What if you couldn’t hear a knock at the door, a smoke detector, your kitchen timer or the phone ring - much less the person on the other end? We really take this sense for granted and aren’t taught to protect it. What if we were taught to prevent hearing loss the way we try to prevent cancer, diabetes or heart disease? It's unlikely that you will die of hearing loss, but you may be as surprised as I to learn of the incredibly emotional toll hearing loss can take. Two experienced doctors of audiology – hearing and balance specialists – taught me just how serious, and often preventable, hearing loss can be.

Thousand Oaks Physician Sheds Light on Cancer Risk to Acid Reflux Sufferers

Many of the estimated 25 million Americans who suffer from daily symptoms of acid reflux, also referred to as heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) find taking medications provide much needed relief. However, the use of medications for acid reflux does not eliminate the most significant risk affiliated with GERD: the potential for esophageal cancer – the fastest growing cancer in the United States.