

VAM Improvisational Painting at ArtWalk VENTURA -

  Erik ReeL’s VAM productions presents; VAM: Improvisational Abstract Painting at Artwalk VENTURA, a show curated by Erik ReeL and sponsored by EDGE and Society805.com.  A PODS  exhibition featuring emerging improvisational abstract painters working in Ventura . These exciting up and coming painters each have a distinctive approach and style, demonstrating the rich variety of personal expression available within abstract improvisational painting today.



Improvisational painting--any improvisational approach to any art--involves considerable personal and aesthetic risk. Risk accompanies each stroke, each mark, each decision, each act of the artist. This exhibition celebrates that risk-taking and the people who support it.  This includes the sponsors, two Ventura-based businesses involved with culture and the arts who take risks and support up and coming artists. Risk is so much a part of these businesses that risk-taking is part of their core mission.                                                                                                                                                                  


Alphonso Acosta 

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4598 Hits

ArtWalk Ventura announces Paul Lindhard as 2014 Artist of Distinction

INTRO-Paul Lindhard(VENTURA COUNTY, Calif.) ArtWalk Ventura, an annual two-day tradition of Ventura’s thriving arts community, which returns for its 21st year July 19-20, has announced renowned sculptor, Paul Lindhard, as this year’s Artist of Distinction.

Lindhard’s career as a working sculptor spans more than 40 years and has evolved through woodcarving and bronze casting into a reverence for and fascination with stone, his principal medium for the past 25 years. He creates large and monumental sculptures, many of which that have been showcased in museums and galleries throughout the United States.

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3939 Hits