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The Collection at Riverpark Spring 2016 Fashion Show

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The Collection at RiverPark held it's inaugural fashion show with help of renowned international fashion show producer Shannon Davidson last month.
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Photo credit:©Kelsey Becker Images
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Several of the burgeoning shopping center’s leading fashion retailers contributed to the afternoon’s spring fashion showcase where models and their adoptable canine companions showed off the latest spring looks from M Fredric, Francesca's, LOFT were some of the retailers who graced the catwalk.
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Photo credit:©Kelsey Becker Images
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Photo credit:©Kelsey Becker Images
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Images via TCRP facebook
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Guests noshed on a variety of appetizers and drink pairings provided by The Collection’s restaurants, had the opportunity to learn the latest beauty secrets at The Collection's exclusive beauty bar and be treated to a variety of demonstrations featuring the latest spring looks before and after the runway show. Guests also receive a custom swag bag full of offers and free gifts.
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Photo credit:©Kelsey Becker Images
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Images via TCRP facebook
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The event was produced by famed fashion show producer, Shannon Davidson. Davidson has more than 20 years of experience in the fashion industry running her full-service event management and production firm. She’s worked with some of the world’s most recognized high-fashion brands, including Bebe, 7 for All Mankind, BCBG, Guess and more. 
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Photo credit:©Kelsey Becker Images
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Photo credit:©Kelsey Becker Images
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Images via TCRP facebook
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