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Society805’s Art & Culture section keeps your finger on the pulse on the arts and the cultural moves inside the 805. We get around the noise and beneath the hype to give you the real issues inside the 805 arts scene and the people in them. We bring you the key events shaping the 805 cultural landscape so you do not miss out on what is important and the direction of the 805 culture in art, theater, music, and film. Remember, you can’t live in style without art and culture.
The 805 is home to various cuisines, the futher up the central coast you go you will find some fantastic wineries. We provide the insider scoops of restaurants and food festivals here in the 805 to create a great fine dining experience.
Featuring articles from area experts that helps enhance the Mind, Body and Spirit of the individual and tips to maintain you and your inner beauty needs.
Our fashion section is the source for fashion news, shopping, trends, beauty news, local hot-spots and previews of fashion trends for the next upcoming season. One of our main focus will be boutiques throughtout the 805 area code.
- Get the inside scoop of individuals and businesses who live, work and play in the 805. In this section you will find articles and tips to make the most out of your lifestyles.
Beginning of October and it's still hot out? Oh yeah! Savor those last cool refreshing drinks before the cold hits, jackets come out of hibernation, and all you can think about is needing warmth. It seems like almost everyone is ready for the change in whether, but not this girl. I'm soaking up the last of the summer heat and pairing it with a boba smoothie!
Have you ever wanted to be "that friend" who introduces some food place or tasty food dish, that everyone gets hooked on and thanks you each time they have it because their life wasn't complete until they tried it? Believe it or not, "that friend" becomes a hero; lives have changed for the better. YOU can be that friend! All you have to say is one word....... boba.
The winter months are approaching (or they’ve already hit if you’re on the east coast), and with the dry winter air comes dry winter everything.I have some recommendations for products that keep me feeling soft and looking sparkly, or at least less like an alligator.
The following is a list of various diet and lifestyle factors proven to benefit breast health from the amazing natural doctor Joseph Mercola (
"There’s more to watching movies than going to a typical theater…”
On a hot summer day, it’s very common to go to the beach and constantly have the urge to quench your thirst with something refreshing and cool, especially in the small town of Ojai. Known as an outdoor walking town to many, the inland location of Ojai can reach temperatures averaging between 85-90 degrees on a typical summer day. To beat the heat, one can be entertained nestled in the shades of Libby Park, shopping indoors downtown, catching a movie at the Ojai Playhouse, or even grabbing some ice cream at Ojai Ice Cream.
Rima Muna, though she has been living in Ventura for a while, has recently started working in a studio at the Bell Arts Factory with Maribel Hernandez and showing her work more publicly locally. Society805 recently conducted the following interview with Rima via the internet.
Society805 does an online interview of Nash Rightmer, a young Ventura artists currently living and working at the WAV [Working Artists Ventura] complex at Thompson and Ventura Avenue in Ventura.
The Weight of the World: 5 Simple Steps to Kick Scale Addiction
Written byThe Weight of the World: 5 Simple Steps to Kick Scale Addiction
Our society is obsessed with the scale. Every day we are bombarded with messages focusing on our weight- Lose Weight Now Ask Me How, Weight Watchers, The Biggest Loser, Medical Weight Loss Solutions- All branded and packaged in a slightly different manner yet conveying the same message; the lower your weight, the happier, more attractive, and more valuable you will be. In fact, we’ve never been more preoccupied with the scale and weight loss, yet our nation’s obesity continues to rise. Why is that?
Studio Sauvageau is much more than a boutique, it is the heart and soul of owner and designer, River Sauvageau. After 23 years of making exquisite handbags, River reflects on the journey that led her to become one of Ojai’s most unique designers.
It’s difficult when we see a loved one, who’s struggling with their wellness, continue to choose processed foods. Encouraging them to add one or two beneficial aspects of diet, rather than telling them they shouldn’t eat the processed foods they’re attached to, is way easier for them emotionally, as a first step.