
2 minutes reading time (346 words)

Chef's Corner-Greg Murphy, Chef of Bouchon, Santa Barbara

Graduating from UCSB with a BA in environmental studies, there doesn’t seem to be a more appropriate job than keeping Santa Barbara County fed with local produce and great wines. Always striving to be more creative with food, Chef Murphy is really whipping up some food masterpieces and customers cannot get enough.
Society 805: Who/what inspired you to cook?              
GM: I grew up cooking with my family and have found my inspiration to be internal. I am always looking for new ways to be creative with food. This provides a form of happiness and it is satisfying my need to please others. 
Society 805: What influence does your cooking reflect?                                   
GM: I think style is reflected in the restaurant where I am cooking. It can be different based on environment and guest expectation.
Society 805: What is your favorite item on the menu at Bouchon?
GM:It changes day to day, recently yogurt parfait! 
Society 805:With this month being our Art issue, do you believe food could be considered art? What is the most artistic dish at Bouchon?
GM:Of course food is art. I like the medium and how fleeting it is. Food is all about the first impression and that is definitely visual. Right now the most colorful dish is the seared scallop trio; So much going on cooking style and yet one thing tying three dishes together... giant seared sea scallops.
Society 805: What’s one thing you wish someone told you about being in the food industry as a chef that you didn’t find out until later?
GM: The higher I move up the less actual cooking that is involved.
Society 805:What type of dining experience do you wish every customer took dining at Bouchon?
GM: I hope they enjoy the total experience of food with local ingredients, great local wines, attentive service and a comfortable dining room. We strive to do all this well and I hope they feel it.


9 West Victoria Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 730-1160
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